굿즈 제작 목적에 맞는 

맞춤형 서비스를 제공합니다.

We bring you the insights of a DiiVER with years of

experience whenever you need a solution.


Let DiiVER do the heavy lifting of building your kit.

Just tell us the purpose of your project and budget.

We've hand-sourced products with rigorous standards so that we can suggest the perfect configuration for you.

You can be assured that your product will be thoroughly inspected, packaged, and shipped directly to you.

From Influencer/Event kits that need wow points to onboarding kits for new hires, get in touch with us today!


Get started with DiiVER, the merchandising tool that brings fans to your brand.

Whether it's swag to create a sense of company pride, event merch to build brand awareness and loyalty, 

or something for a particular purpose like crowdfunding and sales.

We understand who we're making it for and why we're making it for them, 

and we work to create something they'll want to own and show off. 

Experience DiiVER with a simple process.

Consultation Planning Production Design Production and shipping


If you need a design to make your brand stand out, let DiiVER know.

We can do all the design work you need for your branding efforts,

not just the designs you need to create merchandise.

If you only have a slight idea, that's okay too! Talk to one of DiiVER's expert designers.

• Logo variants for your merchandise

• Create a BI/CI/logo that captures your brand's direction and values

• Create a logo for a marketing campaign

• Develop characters that extend the brand experience


예산과 목적을 고려한
굿즈 기획 및 아이디어 제안

웰컴키트, VIP 키트, 마케팅/판매용 굿즈 등 


굿즈 브랜딩에 필요한
다양한 디자인 서비스 제공

그래픽/로고/패키지 디자인, 캐릭터 개발 등


1 : 1 컨설팅 및
맞춤형 서비스 제안

기획부터 배송까지 전문 담당자 배정


프로젝트 전반에 걸친
고객 만족 관리

검수/감리를 통한 품질 관리, 고객센터 운영


2주 만에 완성하는
굿즈/키트 서비스

디자인 확정 후, 제작까지 2주 소요


굿즈 스토어
개설/운영 대행

스마트 스토어, 카페24 등 판매/유통 대행


물류 관리
통합 솔루션

재고 관리, 국내외 배송


안전성 테스트
전문 기관 의뢰 대행

서류 제출 후, 기본 1~2주 소요

Address : first floor, 63, Yeonhui-ro 25-gil, 

Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, South Korea

Tel : +82-2-466-0507 

E-mail : ask@diiver.kr

Address : first floor, 63, Yeonhui-ro 25-gil, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, South Korea

Tel : +82-2-466-0507       E-mail : ask@diiver.kr